- Literary History: The Geerarsa as a Genre of the Heroic Age
- The Heroic Tales of Eastern Oromo (Hararge)
- The Protest Narrative of the Southern Oromo (Arsii)
- The Heroic Literature of Central and Western Oromo (Macha and Tuulama): The Geerarsa within the Context of the Gabbaar
Functional and Contextual Studies of Oromo Oral Literature in a
Contemporary Perspective
Rivers of Oromiya
1. Awaas (Awash) 10. Muger
2. Wabe Shabele 11. Bulbulaa
3. Weyib 12. Gobebe
4. Ganale 13. Erer
5. Dawa 14. Fafen
6. Guder 15. Jerjer
7. Dhedhessa 16. Bashilo
17. Mile
8. Baro
9. . Gibe