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Wikipedia irraa

Keemistirii orgaanikii keessatti, keetooniin kompaawundii orgaanikii caasaa qabudha , bakka R fi R' bakka bu'oota kaarboonii -qabatan adda addaa ta'uu danda'u . Keetoonoonni garee kaarbooniilii of keessaa qabu  (kan hidhoo dachaa kaarboonii-oksijiinii C=O of keessaa qabu). Keetooniin salphaan aseetoonii (bakka R fi R' meetiilii ta’etti), foormulaa wajjin  . Keetoonoonni hedduun baayoloojii fi industirii keessatti bakka guddaa qabu. Fakkeenyonni sukkaara hedduu ( ketoses ), isteeroyidii hedduu (fkn, testosterone ), fi solvent acetone .

Maqaa fi jechoota jechootaa

[gulaali | lakkaddaa gulaali]

Jechi ketone jedhu jecha Jarmanii durii acetone jedhu Aketon irraa kan argamedha . [1]

Akka seera moggaasa IUPAC tti maqaan keetoonii kan argamu fufii -ane alkane warraa gara -anone tti jijjiiruun . Akkaataa idileetti, bakki garee kaarboonii lakkoofsaan agarsiifama, garuu maqaaleen aadaa sirna hin qabne ammallee akka waliigalaatti keetoonota baay’ee barbaachisoo ta’aniif fayyadamu, fakkeenyaaf aseetoonii fi beenzoofeenoonii . Maqaaleen sirna hin qabne kun akka maqaa IUPAC qabameetti ilaalamu, [2] kitaabonni barnootaa keemistrii seensa tokko tokko maqaa sirnaa kan akka "2-propanone" ykn "propan-2-one" keetoonii isa salphaa ta'eef fayyadamullee (  ) bakka "aseetoonii" jedhu.

  1. The word "ketone" was coined in 1848 by the German chemist Leopold Gmelin. See: Leopold Gmelin, ed., Handbuch der organischen Chemie: Organische Chemie im Allgemeinen … (Handbook of organic chemistry: Organic chemistry in general … ), 4th ed., (Heidelberg, (Germany): Karl Winter, 1848), volume 1, p. 40. From page 40: "Zu diesen Syndesmiden scheinen auch diejenigen Verbindungen zu gehören, die als Acetone im Allegemeinen (Ketone?) bezeichnet werden." (To these syndesmides*, those compounds also seem to belong, which are designated as acetones in general (ketones?).") [*Note: In 1844, the French chemist Auguste Laurent suggested a new nomenclature for organic compounds. One of his new classes of compounds was "syndesmides", which were compounds formed by the combination of two or more simpler organic molecules (from the Greek σύνδεσμος (syndesmos, union) + -ide (indicating a group of related compounds)). For example, acetone could be formed by the dry distillation of metal acetates, so acetone was the syndesmide of two acetate ions. See: Laurent, Auguste (1844) "Classification chimique," Comptes rendus, 19 : 1089–1100 ; see especially p. 1097.
  2. List of retained IUPAC names retained IUPAC names Link